While the real answer is only downloading those records that have changed, I need to have a the database update fixed so we can use the data and so I can verify the correctness of the incremental approach when I finish.
I say all of that to say this. I backed up the database using the
BACKUP DATABASE databasename TO DISK ='d:\sql\backup\databasename.bak'I stored the backup on the network share, to free up the room on the server. I attempted to restore the backup, to create a copy of the database, found that I couldn't do it.
It seems that the SQL Server services is running at local-only credentials. The only way to restore the file is to copy the file to the local drives, or change the user that the service uses to a domain user. You see, I assumed that since I was using the front end, it would be using my network credentials. Not so.
So, I copied the file, and attempted to restore the file. It didn't work.
Seems like I have to specify a new MDF file name for the restored file with a MOVE clause.
But, to use the MOVE clause, one must know what to move. That's where this statement comes in.
RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK ='location of backup file'This command lists the logical and physical names of a database inside the backup file.
I combined all this knowledge to produce
RESTORE DATABASE newdatabasename
FROM DISK ='path to bak file'
WITH MOVE 'logical name of database' to 'path to the mdf file',
MOVE 'logical name of log file' to 'path to the ldf file'